Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Two weeks wasted

Lesson number 1 in how to avoid writing: It’s easy: simply don’t do it. I have written one or two prospective scenes from my novel over the past two weeks, but generally I’ve really wasted my time (although I did manage to watch a relevant documentary called Sisters, Pearls and Mission Girls, about the Sisters of St John of God in the Kimberly). And today I’m lunching with Susan Harben who actually worked with the Sisters of St John of God! She will hopefully be able to give me insights that will help me get into the head of my nun.

Why have I shied away from writing? I’m a mystery, even to myself most of the time. Still, I would hazard a guess that it’s partly laziness, but also partly fear of committing, of trying something and failing. It bothers me a lot, this feeling I have that the challenge of getting inside my characters’ heads is beyond my capabilities. I wish I had more frequent classes to keep my motivation up. Still, I seem to have found motivation today, long may it live!

A few days ago Roland sent an email saying “don’t focus on writing perfect scenes, just play with your characters”. I wonder if the email was sent to everyone or if it was meant for me personally. Regardless, I’ll try to take his advice, and get some scenes written and posted to the board. Next weekend is the intensive session at the Writers’ Studio, where we are supposed to uncover the “spine” of our novel. I feel I have not done nearly enough preparatory work.


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