Sunday, April 16, 2006

A most frustrating day, causing me to eat 3/4 of a wheel of camembert, plus other stuff

A most frustrating writing day. I spent nearly five hours on my writing exercise, which was supposed to be a character who cycles through Sadness, Anger and Peace (SAP). I chose to write about a woman who puts her dog to sleep. Only the first paragraph came out well, and if I’m honest, it came out more as grief than sadness. I hate paragraphs 2 and 3 of my SAP submission, just hate them. So I’m not putting it in here.

My neck and right shoulder ached after finishing the SAP piece, and during the writing of it I consumed ¾ of a wheel of camembert, started well in on a plug of blue cheese, and gobbled a bag of jelly tots. I got up every half an hour to look at my body in the mirror. I feel nauseated, and I'm not sure if it's from the food or looking at my body so often.

I guess part of the problem I had in trying to write about SAP was that I chose to do it from the third person point of view, which was tricky. Also, I was word-count constrained.

Or perhaps the fact that I spent most of Sunday night and all of Monday in a drug-soaked haze of debauchery accounted for my compromised writing abilities. I didn’t even have that good a time going out on Sunday night. Hated the venue, the crowd, and the music. Afterwards, I asked my who-to-go-to friend (who'd warned me in advance that it would be bad) if he could recommend a nice monastery for me to enter. Or maybe he could start one himself and I would be his first acolyte. We could call it the Order of the Brothers of the Seriously Disillusioned.


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